Values & Ethics

“Our behavior is a function of our decisions, not our conditions.”

As Stephen R. Covey says, building character of behaviour helps to build a future. The way we work is “We believe values and ethics are the core of any service based on business without which it is impossible to provide quality service of Zepo Commerce.” Inspired by these values and a strong management philosophy, we strive to deliver more than just a satisfying experience to our clients – we let our values to exceed customers expectations through everything we do.

01. Integrity

There is no compromise when it comes to being completely honest and loyal with our clients and potential customers. We never attire our promises for things that we cannot do. But when we make a commitment, we mean every word we say, and fulfil it to the best of our capabilities.

What this means for you:
  • Great design gives wings to smart businesses
  • Our quotations are comprehensive, and we spell out every detail for our clients’ benefit.
  • We will always provide helpful and friendly service to our clients.
  • We will always be honest with you, we will treat you with respect at all times and always provide good value for money.
02. Responsibility

We recognise that we are responsible to our clients – first and foremost – and to ourselves in every project that we undertake. In every operation and transaction, we are ultimately answerable for our actions that we take, and as such we take responsibility for all aspects of our work.

What this means for you:
  • We train our staff to be accountable for their production and targets through weekly and monthly reports.
  • We give our clients estimated dates of completion for all deliverables, and weekly emails to keep them updated.
03. Service Oriented

We are committed to providing fast, timely responses and prompt support where it is guaranteed, and we aim to keep our clients satisfied at every milestone of the project.

What this means for you:
  • Upon project completion, we gather feedback from our clients in order to evaluate, analyse, and improve our service performance & work processes to serve you better.
  • Our Customer Service Officer is always on hand to help our clients out.
  • We provide great design transforms businesses and organisations. It captures people’s attention, broadcasts your unique qualities, and brings your brand to life. It builds emotional connections, trust and loyalty from the customers.
04. Team Spirit

Teamwork is the collaborative effort of a team to achieve a common goal or to complete a task in the most effective and efficient way, we amplify our strengths and create a harmonious environment for everyone to work and thrive in.

Teamwork is generally understood as the willingness of a group of people to work together to achieve a common aim, to bring you not the work of one individual – but the excellence of a team.

What this means for you:
  • Our clients only need to interact with a single point of contact – the Project Manager and they will take care of everything, fuss-free.
  • We believe in hiring individuals with specialized skills and believe that a master of one provides better service than a master of none.
05. Flexibility

We strive to be humble in our expertise, to continue to develop and update our competitive advantage to offer you the best that the industry has to offer, in line with being a dynamic and adaptable business.

What this means for you:
  • Down to earth practices without over-promises.
  • We appreciate the simple questions and will explain the details plainly to our clients.
  • Sharing is caring and we provide only the best internet Marketing, HR or Grant Application advice to all our clients.

We strive to deliver more than just a satisfying experience to our clients.
We let our values shine through everything we do.

We operate on a code of ethics

As we translate our core values to ethical business practices, we aim to create a pure, unadulterated experience of our service excellence. Our code of ethics exemplifies the commitment to various principles that we insist on upholding in everything we do – which guides us in the way of providing an upstanding and effective service fit for businesses like yours.

We practice what we preach

We genuinely believe in our suite of capabilities and stake our own business on its effectiveness. With regards to our design and marketing principles, what we offer to our clients is the same as what we have found to be effective and practice for ourselves on a daily basis.

We Do not over-promise to secure a sale

Keeping with the core value of integrity, we do not over-promise to secure a contract. Our representatives will be upfront about limitations in technology and unrealistic lead times; giving you all the information before the project commences and not only after foreseeable setbacks arise.

We opt out of projects that operate on unethical principles.

As much as we aim to please and satisfy every client, we maintain the right to opt out of projects that we feel are not completely above board. This applies to projects that are related to running scams, illegal gambling, fraudulent activities, plagiarism, or projects that have any questionable motivations behind them.

We treat our customers as partners

We design every website for our clients with as much care as we would our own, and apply the best methodology for each project to help our clients succeed in their business. We seek to go beyond just delivering on project requirements and view our clients as partners. We proactively advise on opportunities and marketing strategies to meet our clients’ long-term goals.